This was an interesting foray into a bloggers website sans adds. It was a personal project that I worked on to experiment with the transition between website, tablet, and phone. I specifically wanted it to look like a nice cookbook, but on a website. All the pictures I used are from, which are free to use without attribution. Were I to make a real website, I would take these photos personally or hire a photographer. However, since there are so many photos, and they play an important roll in the design. My biggest challenge was keeping the design clean and simple so nothing vied for too much attention.
I chose the gray to break up the photos, but if I were to approach the project again, I would probably not use it, at least not as it is used now. While it was an intriguing idea for the login screen because the photographs can feel a little overwhelming at full screen, it does not work as well on the blog pages. I think if I were to use the gray again, I would balance the layout of the pages around it, so it doesn’t feel like an afterthought.